Kelle Rose

Treasurer & Board of Gardeners

Kelle Rose is our Treasurer and on our core leadership team (called the Board of Gardeners, because they are responsible to care for the whole ecosystem of V&M). Asked to share a bit about herself, reasons for participating at V&M, and vision for the future of the community, she writes...

"I'm Kelle. I'm a librarian-social worker-copy editor-activist-adventurer-seeker-romantic-idealist-extroverted introvert-Best Aunt Ever. I'm a Libra who likes long walks on the beach...oh wait, wrong profile...

I've been coming to V&M since almost the very beginning--I was at the second Celebration. I was new to Seattle and found not only a spiritual home but a social home at V&M. Spirituality, social justice activism, and community are inextricably linked for me and I find that at V&M.

V&M can truly be the beloved community: rooted in love, compassion, justice, and grace, reflecting the beauty and diversity of creation, and feeding our souls."