John’s Farewell Party

Machine House Brewery

Link to the Facebook Event

Join us for storytelling, roasts, and toasts at John's V&M farewell/retirement party on June 16th! John wants to celebrate 12 years of rabble-rousing, community-building, and nervously-wondering-if-anyone-is-going-to-show-up with the people who have been a part of the journey. (Read John's full transition announcement here:

Whether you’ve connected at V&M, the Collabs, or in the broader Seattle community, you’re invited for drinks, a potluck, good times, and an open mic. This will be a gratitude-heavy, story-filled, and fun-forward event.

Kids are welcome. Bring yourself, and—optionally—a potluck dish and/or a memory, gratitude, or story to share.

1st pour free (up to 75 total pours, so get there early). Then drinks on you!
IN the spirit of co-creation This is a community potluck! Bring a dish to share if you're able.

Indoor/Outdoor event. Outdoor space offers canvas tents for covered gathering. Venue is a brewery. Gluten free cider options available, and you can bring your own non alcoholic beverages for yourself or kiddos.