V&M - Ravenna Preview Service

Ravenna Collaboratory

Celebrations in Ravenna will begin at 6:30pm and last about 50 minutes. The first three dates are scheduled for:Weds, Oct 10th; Tues, Oct 30th; Weds, Dec 5th

These are family-friendly services!

Contact [email protected] for more info or to co-create with us.

*Note on wheelchair access: Due to the age of the building, it has very poor accessibility. We have told our architects that making the space wheel-chair accessible and ADA compliant is our top priority. For now, however, there are steps and no ramps/elevators. 

About the Ravenna Collab & New Church: Did you know we are starting another Collaboratory and church in the Ravenna neighborhood? The good people of the Ravenna United Methodist Church, an historic and aging congregation, made the bold choice to leave a legacy by transferring their building to us so that the mission, values, vision, and work we have been doing can germinate in a second location! We have renamed the building the Ravenna Collaboratory and are working with architects from Environmental Works (who are doing the architectural and project management work for us at NO cost!) to turn the space into a community hub for the arts, spirituality and social change.